Young girl holding hand of adult man


JAMHI Health & Wellness is committed to “helping people live their own best lives.” This is especially true with individuals who are releasing from incarceration. Release absent supportive services is one reason people return through the revolving door of correctional systems. We are committed to community safety and helping this vulnerable population get the help they need to not only survive but to thrive and grow.

Alaska’s Recidivism Reduction Plan was developed in 2015 at a time when the adult population in the state’s prisons was increasing at an annual rate of 3% per year. Those released had a 66% recidivism rate, meaning over half of all offenders released returned to incarceration.

Reducing Recidivism Case Management is one of the facets of the Alaska Community Reentry Program. Part of that program is to provide comprehensive case management for the offenders that are Medium to High-risk to recidivate. This is target population is based on data that shows the medium to high-risk level does better with case management services. The re-entry case manager works closely with Juneau Reentry Coalition. We employ Risk-Need-Responsivity Principles and connect the reentrant to evidence-based services.


Reentrants in Alaska are assessed for their risk of recidivism. Alaska uses the Level of Service Inventory-Revised (LSI-R) for this assessment.


Next, it is important to understand the criminogenic needs of the reentrant, which are directly linked to criminal behavior. The eight central needs associated with the management and reduction of risks for recidivism focus on the reentrant’s attitudes, behaviors, peers, personality, family relations, substance use, education/employment and leisure activities, with the antisocial needs identified as the riskiest. These eight needs help prioritize services for the reentrant.


Finally, the case manager and the probation officers need to consider the personality and individual characteristics of the reentrant when matching services. These include culture, gender, motivational and developmental stages and learning styles.

Overview of the case management program

The case management program starts 3 months prior to release. Then goes for 6 months after release.

For information or to request services, call JAMHI at 907-463-3303 and ask for the Reentry Program.