Alaska’s Recidivism Reduction Plan was developed in 2015 at a time when the adult population in the state’s prisons was increasing at an annual rate of 3% per year and released prisoners had a 66% recidivism rate. Faced with serious budgetary concerns, bipartisan passage of Senate Bills 64 (SB 64) in the 28th Alaska State Legislature and 91 (SB 91) in the 29th Legislature began to shape a statewide reform of Alaska’s criminal justice system. These bills provided a path for the development of the Alaska Community Reentry Program, a collaborative partnership of state and private entities tasked with implementing a robust reentry program.
The Alaska Community Reentry Program is a collaborative effort of the Department of Corrections, the Department of Health and Social Services Division of Behavioral Health, the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority, and Alaskan communities through local reentry coalitions to help reach the goals of Alaska’s Recidivism Reduction Plan. The Community Reentry Program envisions that those offenders sentenced to thirty days or more will have the tools and support needed to successfully reenter their communities. These services and supports include, but are not limited to, access to physical and behavioral healthcare, employment, transportation, education and training and housing.
The Juneau Reentry Coalition is a partner in the Alaska Community Re-entry Program. To review The Alaska Community Reentry Program, Edition 3, March 2017 document, click here.